Saturday, August 7, 2010


Today I'm going to pretend.  It worked when I was a kid, it should work now:

I'm going to pretend:

* That there is a whole other month left AFTER August before school starts for the girl.  It's called Augmember, and it's not porno sounding at all - it's an excuse to kick back and enjoy several more weeks of good weather.

* That I actually enjoy filtering through the giant piles of debris on my desk.  It may actually be true!  Who's to say?

* That plain oatmeal with raisins tastes EXACTLY like oatmeal raisin cookies.

* That no news IS actually good news.

* That the most exciting things to come in my life are ahead of me.

* That Jesse from Burn Notice will be killed off in the next episode.  It could happen.

* That this bronchitis will magically disappear today.  TODAY!

* That duct tape on the corner of my dining room window screen is a political statement, and not a means to keep bugs from flying in my house.

* That my giant brown leather bag is my summer bag. 

* That something fantastic will come in the mail today.

* That the cats will stop shedding.

* That things will work out for the best.

What are you pretending today?

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