Friday, October 8, 2010

The First Step for The David Cooke

Even though I'm not certain who The David Cooke actually is, I do know The Miss Becky, and she kicks ass.  So much ass, in fact, that she's got her Pranksters [including moi] doing amazing stuff like fucking with Gwyneth K. Paltrow via a John C. Mayer-ing, and even MORE amazing stuff like working to kick ass in a charity sense by pulling a The David Cooke.

Being snarky comes easily to me.  Sometimes too easily.  What doesn't come easily is talking about things that are important to me - things like First Step.

These are pretty cool First Steps, aren't they?
What's First Step?  Well, let me tell you about First Step.  It's a program run in Southeastern Michigan working with survivors of domestic and sexual assault and their families.

First Step is largely staffed by volunteers.  First Step also accepts donations from their Wish List, or you can donate whatever you can.

Survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault are in a precarious place, and they need advocates.  First Step is dedicated to helping these survivors from the first moment, by offering emergency help lines and emergency housing to those who need it, as well as having a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner present when necessary.

First Step also does presentations in schools and churches, discussing an issue that so many of us don't like to think about, or would rather sweep under the rug.

If you'd like to volunteer or donate, please do so.

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