Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sunday in Pictures

The girl and I like to go walking in the fog.  This despite the fact that I've seen both The Fog and The Mist, as well as that Simpsons episode where the fog turns you inside out, and should know better.


  1. Me, too, but I usually end up looking like a drowned rat! Or, at least, a rat that needs hair products.

  2. Unmitigated me: A rat with hair products? HAAHAHA! Nice one.

  3. Can't recall your location (if I ever knew). Is that fog cold and damp? And therefore creepy?

    Or warm and damp, and therefore suffocating?

    Just trying to get a read on you. You're a slippery one. (Might be the fog.)

  4. Magnolia - I AM a slippery one! I'm in Michigan. So, I get both cold & damp and creepy and warm and damp and suffocating. YAY!

  5. I love the fog. It makes everything else invisible for a while.

  6. Renee - I know, I feel like I can sneak around and do super secret spy stuff.

  7. this is lovely.

    I know that fog should be creepy, but I've always found it magical. but I'm weird like that.


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