You know how they say the best way to minimize your embarrassment is by sharing your story? And how basically having a blog is the most efficient way of sharing? Well, guess what? I'm sharing my . . . faux pas, let's call them, here today:
I am the featured writer today at Studio 30 Plus.
Jealous much?
I joined Studio 30 Plus a long time ago and then, as is my usual method of doing things, lamed out. And then I got my shit together and found that there are a lot of fun and cool people on there - really! Not just me! Other cool people you should know. So if you're over 30 and wordy, you should definitely join up, and then friend me, because you know I don't like to be left out. And then read all the cool posts from everyone on there - some amazing writers.
But first?
Read this. You'll feel a lot better about yourself.
**COMMENTS CLOSED: Come visit at Studio30Plus. You won't be sorry.