Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Because Embarrassment and Horror Should Be Shared with Friends

Horrifyingly embarrassing things happen to people on a regular basis. At least, they happen to me on a regular basis. Normal people want to keep that on lockdown, because why expose yourself to the world's harsh judgment?

Most people would be content to bury that psychic trauma down deep. Way down, under layers of silt and magma and ice cream. Horrifying embarrassment is generally something you only delve into after years of therapy with a trusted analyst who's seen you through regression therapy and past-life re-birth.

If the mortification is really bad, it can only be shared with a close friend after collegiate-style binge drinking, maybe in the sanctity of a public bathroom.

I am a denizen of the Internet: my public bathroom is In the Powder Room.

Because why keep my shame to myself?

Come see what I had to do not too long ago.  Don't judge too harshly. I'm only human.

1 comment:

  1. This

    "I am a denizen of the Internet: my public bathroom is In the Powder Room."

    is some classic Suniverse.



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