Monday, August 13, 2012

Birthday, bitches.

It's my birthday.

I may have mentioned that it was coming up - just to give you fair warning about gifts.  If you missed it, I'll take a late gift, but you should really do a better job of staying on top of this. I mean, can't you add this VERY IMPORTANT DATE to your calendar along with a reminder?  Is it really that hard?

I'm 44 today.

I'm pretty o.k. about aging and getting older. Part if it is that I look pretty young [thank you, Aveda hair colorist] and part of it is that I never really think I'm any particular age. For instance, it's always a jolt to me that I'm so old that you have to have been born the year I graduated from undergrad in order to buy booze. I still assume I'm going to get carded.

For me, the best part of getting older is that within the last couple of years I've really started to shed those parts of my life and personality that I didn't care for - the appeasing, the waffling because of that goddamn perfectionism, the need to always be right. Well, I'm still working on that last one, and on some more things, but that's been a big change, too. The realization that there's no finish line. It just keeps going.

Which is weird, because I've always felt that I was in a race, and was always falling behind. Always. Everything is was is was a competition with me. Now I've stopped feeling like I'm a complete and utter failure because someone else's house is cleaner than mine or because someone else's hair looks nicer. Actually. That's a lie. No one else's hair looks nicer.

But you get what I mean, right? I'm done racing and losing at some contest that is all in my mind. I've found that people like me despite the fact that I'm not perfect. I KNOW. Who would have thought?  But it's been a nice switch from feeling like I was worthless unless and until I put a perfect facade on my life.

Hmm . . . this is getting too melancholy.  Let's end this birthday rumination with the following list of awesome things about me and you.  Add on in the comments something wonderful about me AND something wonderful about you.  And then lets all go get loaded and do something we're going to regret.



Awesome birthday list:

My hair is fantastic.
Your hair smells divine.
I'm pretty fucking hilarious.
You are a joy to be around.
My skin looks amazing.
You look well rested.
I know how to host a party for 50 people.
You know how to have a good time.
I have some amazing people in my life.
You are one of them.
I can't stop laughing when I think about the fact that I am 44.  That's grown up age.
You make me giggle.
I love that I can push myself even through my fears and succeed.
You can do anything you can put your mind to.
I haven't used a curse word yet, so fucking let's do that shit now.
You fucking rock.

Now you:


  1. Happy Birthday! We're both wonderful because we like scrubs. :D Ketchup is for winners!!

  2. You make me laugh out loud.
    You are a breath of fresh air in an often stale, "smells like comment vomit" blogsphere.
    You're pretty much all that.
    And I'm lucky to know you.

  3. Just started hanging in this community and 44 is AWESOME! I'm 52 and the years from mid 40s and up make you feel like superfuckinggetouttamyway chick.
    You totally entertain me (and others)
    I wet my pants when I laugh-always have-always will

  4. How can two such gorgeous and brilliant Leos live so close together without causing damage to the space-time continuum?

    49 last Friday. Hope yours is awesome.

  5. I am at that point where I'm trying to get past the perfection stage - it isn't easy.

    You? Well you are fucking funny. Happy birthday!

  6. Happy Birthday, Motherfucker. You are a delightful woman, friend, roommate, and citizen of the Internet. And your hair really is fabulous looking AND smelling. Did you mention your awesome dance skills? I think you better.

  7. Happy Birthday to you.

    Happy Birthdat to you

    Happy Birthday to Suni

    Happy Birthday to you.

    Now, pick up your phone, loser, so I can sing it to you.

    And, oh yeah, you will LISTEN to it.


    i love you, Suni, you mean the world to me, and I hope I did a good enough job of letting you know that.


  8. You have good hair, I have good hair, and when you are over forty, sister, that is HUGE!

  9. Happy Happy Birthday, fabulous lady!!! Thank you for paving the way to 44 with so much awesomeness. I turn 44 in December. 1968 was a fucking awesome year I do believe. xoxo

  10. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY you beautiful, amazing, BITCH!!!

    GOSH, now that I've hugged you, I feel like I can call that ;)

    Have a great day, a spectacular year and save me some cake...cause we are going to share it. I promise!!!

  11. Happy birthday, you wonderfully arrogant, perfect-haired asshole :-)

    I'm glad to call you a friend.

  12. You are a delight!

    Ah... 44... A fine year, I remember it well. Sort of. A little. I was sleep deprived. I don't know. It's all a blur.

    I look cute in reading glasses. Yeah.

  13. You are one of my favorite things.
    (Yes, like Julie Andrews sings.)

    I didn't mean to rhyme, but sometimes birthdays just bring it out of me. And 44 kicks ass over 43.
    Not that I'm OCD and like thinks nice and even.

    But I am. And I do.


  14. Did I mention that a gay man in Central Park said my hair was fabulous? Okay, I've mentioned it MANY MANY times, because it fucking ROCKED MY WEEK-END. Deal with it. Also, happy birthday. Also, I forgot to email my other favourite Leo on her birthday. Fuck.

  15. Happy Happy Happy Happy Day to you! I adore you. And SO true - people love the imperfections - they makes us loveable and interesting. I fully embrace my insanity and my horrible curly hair that never seems to grow passed my shoulders. in fact it's a common thread throughout my memoir.

    You're one of my favorite writers out on the www. Don't ever stop being amazing. Well, you can if you want to, and I'll still like you. Curly hair and all.

  16. It's better with swearzies, right? Totally fucking right on!
    I really hope you have that list printed out and taped to your mirror so you can say it to yourself every day like Stuart Smiley. THAT would be fucking awesome and also make you invincible.
    Just sayin'

  17. You are hilarious, and embracing the forties like a motherfucking BOSS.

    As am I, in about 2 months.

  18. You are the chocolate in my peanut butter. I hope you had an amazing day filled with love and laughter and cake (put the three together, baby). I will walk beside you with my baseball bat any day of the week...

  19. You were born in a freakin' awesome month- it's National Panini month and, AND! The 10th is National S'mores day! Add your birthday to the list and you really can't beat August. Except for May, which is MY birth month. Nothing's better than May.

  20. You give good tweet. Never, ever let go of that fact. Because when the chips are down, she who tweets best, wins.
    Or something. Anyway, you make 44 look good, Ms Suni, and the Midwest is lucky to have you. I hope you were much feted on your birthday (which while pronounced "fetid" is not at all similar).

  21. Excellent post - happy birthday!!

  22. I am late but enthusiastic (which can be hard to pick up on over the internet so I thought I'd just tell you.) Happy Birthday awesome-cakes. You fucking OWN 44.xoxo

  23. Happy Birthday! I still have your birthday vodka from BlogHer.


Every time you comment, I get a lady boner.