Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ideas. I've got lots.

  • I mentioned before that I want to have you lovely people start watching the tv shows I watch so that we can discuss them.  My problem is that I don't watch them when they are on - I watch them at weird times via Hulu.  BUT! I want, very, very much, to watch and maybe live-tweet these shows with hilarious people [other than the husband - who would rather be killing people in Vice City - and the girl - who actually has a social life].  Would anyone be up for watching, say, Cougar Town [whenever the hell it comes back on] on say, Friday night [because I am old and lame and tired and generally am at home decompressing from a fantastically! fun! work week on Friday night]? We can maybe test run with a show that's actually on right now.  Any suggestions?
  • Do you ever accidentally get up in people's personal space at, say, the grocery store, because you are suddenly very, very interested in the asparagus and need to now RIGHT NOW what it looks and feels like and then, after a few minutes, you realize you've wedged yourself into a spot right up against an older woman who was up until that moment minding her own business at the asparagus area?  Not that I would need them, but I kind of want to make up business-card-sized apology cards so that I could drop one in her cart.  They would say something like, "SO SORRY. I HAVE NO SOCIAL OR MEASURING SKILLS."  Is there a market for this?
  • Is it wrong that I'm so proud of being the #3 result for this?  Because I am proud and there has to be a way to parlay this into a paying job. 
I thankfully didn't watch the Oscars and so missed that travesty.
  • Do you think there's a market for being that person who will tell you when you have food on your face or in your teeth?  Or some other embarrassing thing going on with your person? I'm pretty good about doing that - there was an incident a lot of years ago in a public restroom when the husband and I were at a play and I had accidentally shoved the back of my skirt into my underwear and tights [I WAS SOBER AT THE TIME, THANK YOU VERY MUCH] and NO ONE TOLD ME.  Luckily, I hadn't left the bathroom before I found out, but seriously?  What the fuck?  How do you not tell someone about that?  Assholes.  I still hate all those fucking bitches.  Anyway, I think it would be handy to have that service available.
That's evidently all I have today.  


  1. Yeah, see...we, me and you, we belong in the same state.


  2. I watch all my TV online. usually the mornings after it airs. have you discovered Project Free TV yet? you can get WAY more shows and usually the night of. also sidereel is a good source. yup, I'm a nerd. and I refuse to pay for things.

  3. THIRD in a google search for disliking Gwyneth?!? You're like a god to me now.

  4. Re the grocery store wedging old ladies thing? Oh, hell, no. I avoid human contact. But I might accidentally on purpose bump her with my cart if she stays in my way too long.

  5. Hi Suniverse-I never even get to watch tv unless it is, like, three in the morning, or I take a day off and hide out alone at home. But Friday nights, yeah, I would make that effort for you. But here's the thing. I hope you are not missing out on that great Friday night Twitter tradition #wineparty? Many hilarious people all in one place. Drinking wine. I'll bet they all love Cougar Town, too. How could you not?

  6. Only third? There's work to do, girl.

  7. hating on gwyneth could be a full-time gig.

  8. Man, I don't have nearly as impressive Google results. I'm clearly going to have to start hating someone.

  9. I could use those cards for the grocery store. Also, I don't like talking to people, so it'd be nice to just drop a note in the cart of someone whose personal space I've violated and then vamoose.


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